
  • Ship World File Starbound Server
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 14. 11:41
    1. Starbound Expand Ship
    2. Ship World File Starbound Server Download

    Im off to bed (its after 2am here), worth noting is that in MP mode the worlds are accessed from the server PC only - not updated on the client PCs (apart from a client run on the actual server). If you play an MP game of starbound and then drop to SP then the world file will be generated on your PC if it does not exist there already and will not match what you had on the server - you would have to copy it across manually. Your ship and player data is updated locally when you play MP so you will still see any changes made to the ship or any new gear you have acquired. To anyone who is planning to play MP - you should always keep your most critical gear and crafting tables on your ship if you plan to use them in MP as that way you wont leave them behind on someone elses MP server when you drop back to SP. I maters 'How you Stop the server.' Kill it while any file is 'open'.its lost.

    Run out of HDD space.its lost. If you watch the server console when you quit localy.you will see it save your stats(quests, etc) and then a minute or two after 'unload' world.


    Starbound Expand Ship

    Then it is saved. You can even go back to your ship for a bit and it will do the same 'unload' of the world.


    This is server version of saving. On a further note; Starbound is a 32bit app with 2gig memory limit. Want to play a bigger and faster game? Then run a server and connect to it. The server gets a 2gig limit, and you localy have a 2gig limit. Also requires a multi core cpu or its not 'faster' just bigger.

    Ship World File Starbound Server Download

    Ship World File Starbound Server

    Might even be slower. More than 4gig memory(not hardrive) space would also be required.you would connect to it with 'localhost' and not an IP address. No other port forward or crap needed.

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